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Healing with Flowers: Focusing and Flower Essences

Healing with Flowers: Focusing and Flower Essences
Saturday, June 9, 2018   2:00 - 4:00 p

With Sharon Bauer

Inherent in each of us is the capacity for depth connection with the living world of animals and plants. Flowers in particular seem to speak directly from the soul of nature to the human soul. Flower essences, gentle remedies first developed by Edward Bach in the 1930s to address the sufferings of his times, offer spiritual and emotional healing for ourselves and our planet in 2018.

We will begin by attuning to living flowers from Sharon’s June garden, using the power of Focusing to listen to what our bodies know below the level of conscious thought. We will then work with bottles of flower remedies that strengthen healing qualities of safety, hope, courage, creativity, intuition, compassion: the strengths that we need to face the challenges of these times. Extensive handouts for selecting flower essences will be available. No previous experience with Focusing or flower essences is necessary.

Sharon Bauer, LCSW, is a Focusing-Oriented Therapist and flower essence practitioner in private practice in Watertown.