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Adult Children, What Do They Need From Us?

In this workshop we will explore the complicated and challenging role of being a parent to our adult children.  In this relationship, we sometimes find ourselves in no-mans-land, where any hint of “parenting" is  often unwelcome.  Despite our belief that we have “great wisdom and insights” to offer our adult children, our advice is often unwanted and offering it counter-productive.

So what do our adult children really need from us?  And what do we want for them?  In this workshop we will explore how as parents, we can foster and maintain positive and warm connections in light of our sometimes ambiguous role, their wants and needs and our own. The basic tenants of mindfulness, and in particular focusing, can guide and enhance our capacity to be attuned to our adult children, and ourselves, so that we can respond to them in supportive and creative ways. Through case examples and experiential exercises we will apply the principals of mindfulness to these precious relationships.

Kelley Bothe

Julie Ramsey

Julie Ramsey, LICSW & Kelley Bothe, LICSW are both Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapists in private practice in Wellesley, MA.